Good news for strata communities who have been stalled by Covid-19


In one way or another, in one form or another every person, every industry, every job has been impacted by Covid-19. The strata community is no exception.

Social distancing and lockdown measures put a halt to strata committee meetings and general meetings. And for schemes that had not previously adopted the ability to have electronic voting, it has meant day-to-day business and ordinary governance by owner’s corporations and community associations has virtually stopped. Owner’s Corporations that were not already voting electronically were locked out from governance.

Think about this; for over two months now, some Owners’ Corporations have not been able to meet or resolve issues and adopt courses of action pertaining to people’s living arrangements. You’re an owner wanting to put an awning up? Nothing. You’ve noticed a leak causing damage? No answer. You can’t even get together to discuss strata fee hardship provisions or payment plans for owners suffering the impact of COVID – because of COVID! 

That’s why the Owner’s Corporation Network, who advocate on behalf of those living in strata situations, pressed the NSW Government for a solution that would firstly stop conflict, and secondly, enable ordinary governance to resume in a Coronavirus environment.

To his credit, the Minister for Better Regulation and Innovation, Kevin Anderson, heard the urgency and in a critically important first step, both Houses of Parliament under emergency legislation pertaining to Covid-19 have empowered the Minister responsible to make regulations:

  1. altering arrangements for convening meetings of an owner’s corporation or the strata committee;

  2. altering arrangements for the way a vote may be conducted at the meeting;

  3. as an alternative to affixing the seal of the Owners Corporation; and,

  4. extending the time period in which things are required to be done under the SSMA.

What does this mean for the strata community?

Well, subject to the regulations the Minister does create, Owner’s Corporations and Community Associations that had not previously resolved to hold meetings via platforms such as Zoom or Teams, will now be able now be able to do so. The business of strata committees can get moving again.

While we do not have the regulations yet, this really is a significant step to overcoming the governance blockage of the last few months.

We’re here to help

The team at Goddard & Co Solicitors will keep a close eye on the regulations as they come through and will provide updates on how this impacts the strata community, and help for those who need it.

In the meantime, if you have questions or queries in relation to this or any other strata matter, please do not hesitate to contact us on 02 9233 7700 or


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