Changes to short term letting you should know about
The explosion in popularity of short-term stay platforms such as Airbnb caused disruption to strata communities and governments around the world, all of whom were battling to put the right controls and regulatory settings in place to protect the popularity and amenity of apartment living.
Instead of being invisible, it's time for unit buyers to become front and centre in the building industry.
When I first read about the Opal Towers disaster on Christmas Day back in 2018, I was devasted for those owners. Along with that concern came an underlying trepidation that we were only just witnessing the beginning of a dreadful saga, highlighting a systemic problem in the building industry.
Good news for strata communities who have been stalled by Covid-19
In one way or another, in one form or another every person, every industry, every job has been impacted by Covid-19. The strata community is no exception.